Monday, March 10, 2008

The Vanilla orchid

The main type harvest for vanillin is Vanilla planifolia. Even though it is native to Mexico, it is now widely grown throughout the tropics. Madagascar is the world's largest producer; Additional sources contain Vanilla pompona and Vanilla tahitiensis grown in Tahiti, though the vanillin satisfied of these species is much less than Vanilla planifolia.

Vanilla grows as a vine, mountaineering up an existing tree, pole, or other support; it can be matured in a wood on trees, in a plantation on trees or poles, or in a "shader", in increasing orders of productivity. Left alone, it will create as high as possible on the support, with few flowers. Every year, growers fold the senior parts of the plant downwards so that the plants stay at heights accessible by a standing human. This also very much stimulate flowering.

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